Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Im getting Batman Arkham City and I want to get another game, either Battlefield 3 or Skyrim?

I have never played an RPG game but Skyrim looks pretty good, I am getting batman but cant decide between BF3 and Skyrim.Im getting Batman Arkham City and I want to get another game, either Battlefield 3 or Skyrim?
If you love playing online against other players get BF3. If you'd rather play games without the trash talk by yourself then get Skyrim.Im getting Batman Arkham City and I want to get another game, either Battlefield 3 or Skyrim?
I would recommend MW3 they have really solved some big problems. But if it is between those, go with skyrim. Battlefield 3 is cool multiplayer but the singleplayer is weak.(5-6 hours) and it runs at 30 fps. Skyrim has a 40-60 hour story(not including side stuff)Im getting Batman Arkham City and I want to get another game, either Battlefield 3 or Skyrim?
Batman: Arkham Asylum is third-person Action-Adventure game that delivers an authentic Dark Knight experience rooted in an original and engrossing story as well as a combination of melee combat, stealth, investigative and speed-based challenge gameplay. A sequel to 2009's Batman: Arkham Asylum, Arkham City features the full range of classic enemies seen in the previous game, in addition to Catwoman, who is a playable character and has her own storyline in the new release. Additional features include: a range of new gadgets, an increased number of possible melee opponents and a range of movement options for Batman that include leaping, sliding, gliding and the grapple hook.
NOT BATTLEFIELD 3! and why wasnt mw3 on the list? its way better than bf3 its fun, adrenanline pumping, it has way more modes, and its a blast to play with friends. if this is their 8th title and it has the most preorders in history, its gotta be good or people wouldnt like it like bf3 which has way less preorders and the cancel rate on those preorders are rising. idk about skyrim but from what i heard it sounds like a real good rpg. if u want fun with friends and other people online go with mw3 but if u want an intense story, go with skyrim.

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